人事行政主管 – Human Resources

Thương lượng

Mô tả công việc – 负责公司的人力资源相关工作。- 协助做好客户的询价、报价单与合同的录入; – 负责合同执行情况跟进(交期确认、发货、对帐、开票申请等);- 跟进、催收客户逾期及到期货款; – 销售合同的整理、归档和保管工作;- 负责办公室日常行政总务工作;- 作为翻译,负责对接政府、客户等相关部门。- Responsible for the company’s human resources related work.- Assist in entering customer inquiries, quotations and contracts;- Responsible for following up on contract execution (delivery confirmation, shipment, reconciliation, invoicing application, etc.);- Follow up and collect overdue and due payments from customers;- Arrangement, filing and storage of sales contracts;- Responsible for the daily administrative work of the office;- As a translator, responsible for liaising with government, customers and other relevant departments.* Working place: NT08-181 – Dự án Khu đô thị Gia Lâm – Vinhomes Ocean Park – Xã Đa Tốn – Huyện Gia Lâm – Hà Nội

Kinh nghiệm / Kỹ năng chi tiết – 大专及以上学历,有人力资源等相关工作经验优先;- 熟练运用办公软件;- 具有较强的责任感,工作细心;- 具备应变能力,有良好的沟通协调能力;- 越南当地人,有良好的中文听说读写能力,能够面对面交流,有良好的英语基础更佳。 – College degree or above, experience in human resources and other related work is preferred;- Proficient in using office software;- Have a strong sense of responsibility and work carefully;- Be adaptable and have good communication and coordination skills;- Local Vietnamese, with good Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, able to communicate face to face, and good English foundation is preferred.

Mô tả Loại công việc Nhân viên toàn thời gian Cấp bậc Nhân viên Học vấn Cao đẳng Giới tính Nam / Nữ Ngành nghề Thư ký / Hành chánh , Nhân sự

Thông tin liên hệ Tên liên hệ: 冯桂仪Stella 2001,B3 Building Hanxi Commercial Center Times E-PARK,Zhongcun Str.Panyu , , , China – 请将您的申请通过在线、电子邮件或直接发送至- Please send your application by online, via email or direct to Nhận hồ sơ bằng ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Trung Quốc (Quan Thoại)